
Showing posts from February, 2020

Making BIG Decisions on my Inquiry

Delving into module ACI3622, I have been thinking a lot over the last couple of days about what area within mental health I should inquire. What are the big questions that need to be asked? Clearly to us as a society we know our mental health is hugely important in performing well, not only in the arts but in our lives. A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.  As performers we deal with a great amount of pressure!  To perform high standards of dance,singing and acting to an audience regularly Self employment and unstable income Creating your performer image, look your best physically. Training in front of the mirror and looking for areas to improve regularly I believe we all know that pressure and lack of support can have the biggest impact on ones mental health. So I would like to understand if we as performers would want more support and believe it is a necessity and did we ever feel like we needed support for our mental health, and was anything already pu

Area of Interest - Mental Health Within My Practice

Starting ACI3622, My area of Interest So I have been pondering for some time on an area that really interests me within my practice. Today is the day that I have finally come to a conclusion. I will be researching the study behind the relationship between mental health and performing arts. What are the positive and negative relationship between the two? I find that my knowledge of the relationship between the two only comes from life experience and things I have learnt so far, it is important that I look at the research that has already been done, and gather how this works within my practice. However on initial google, there isn't as much information as I would have expected. Yes, many people know that performing arts can be used as a tool to help people who suffer from a mental illness as it allows them an outlet. On the other hand their is little to no information about the help a professional performer can get who is suffering from a mental health illness. Most performer