Finding Purpose in the Inquiry
Mental Health. Yes a scary topic for many of us, even for people in the arts who so often are described as having free expression, whether that be through movement, voice, film, painting, writing..... well the list goes on. Do people really know about the hidden battles performers have with their own self confidence and body positivity. Probably not! because lets face it when the curtains go up the audience is greeted with a spotlight on a character who breaks into a tap number, a ballad or a shake spear monologue. This person must seem on the outside would never appear to have any mental health issues as they scream confidence on a stage. Take away the character, the lights and the audience, and what do we have, a real person who it just at work like every other human that does their 9 to 5 job, this performer is in effect 'just' doing their version of a 9 to 5. So why do many performers struggle with anxiety and body dysmorphia? Are we putting to much pressure on ourselve...