Perspective within My Practice, How we See Things! Looking at my practice and who I am within my practice has not been an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. I have always labelled myself purely as a performer. Digging a little deeper I have started to question and look objectively at myself and my practice. This led to a plethora of questions, the main questions at the forefront of my mind were, who am I within my practice? am I my practice? To understand my practice do I need to look at other people within my practice and what they are doing? My questions remain ongoing but there does not need to be answers right now or ever at all! That is the beauty of looking into your practice and who you are within it, it is constant and there is no end product. We are forever developing and growing as people. Learning new skills by gaining insight into the world around us and applying it to ourselves. One main area I have noticed about myself is the struggle I have in a...