First Skype Reflection

I am looking back today to develop my upcoming plans to further my knowledge. My plan is to look at how I am going to question areas of my practice, and where I fit into my practice.The first Skype session I attended in the first week was extremely daunting for me. Full of anticipation of what to expect as a distance learner, I listened into the conversation intently. The Beginning the famous saying of "the only thing we fear, is fear itself" came to mind at first. However when settling into conversation, the word "fear" had quickly evaporated after just a few seconds of chatter between fellow peer members. We talked about the module handbook, unihub, the library and how the module was going to run. Feeling at ease when hearing other peers asking the same questions that I had in my head, but was to scared to ask out of "fear" that it was a silly question. From this Skype session the main area that seemed to resonate with me is that this degree is what you make it. At first I felt that the freedom of this course was going to be a hinderance for me, as I sometimes feel as though the path is not clear to what I am meant to be doing?? However looking over my Module Handbook again as we were told to look through numerous times in the Skype session has helped me out a lot. The tools to guide us in our growth of learning is at our finger tips. Feeling unsure or uncertain is normal, this was made clear in a specific line in the module handbook that reads... "If you 'got' everything straight away what would be the point of the study?" That one line has solidified in my mind that the sky is the limit. So today I am starting to write out the areas of my practice that I find interesting. Looking into other peoples Blogs I have noticed such a variety of interests into the arts. People looking into disability and how it is taught in the arts, Internet in the arts, gender equality... the list goes on and I find that rather inspiring. That everyone is different but we all have the arts in common. From my list of interests I am going to pick an area, and take the bull by the horns and deeply look into it. Growing my knowledge of myself and my practice. Watch this space, as my learning journey takes off.


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