Perspective within My Practice, How we See Things!

Looking at my practice and who I am within my practice has not been an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. I have always labelled myself purely as a performer. Digging a little deeper I have started to question and look objectively at myself and my practice. This led to a plethora of questions, the main questions at the forefront of my mind were, who am I within my practice? am I my practice? To understand my practice do I need to look at other people within my practice and what they are doing? My questions remain ongoing but there does not need to be answers right now or ever at all! That is the beauty of looking into your practice and who you are within it, it is constant and there is no end product. We are forever developing and growing as people. Learning new skills by gaining insight into the world around us and applying it to ourselves. One main area I have noticed about myself is the struggle I have in allowing myself to see other peoples perspectives. Adesola posted a really insightful blog about this topic and it has resonated with me since. Her Blog if you have not already seen has a link to a video of a piece called 'In My Language.' Here is the video if you have not already seen:  Now to be brutally honest I really struggle with watching videos like this because I don't understand the 'purpose' of them. It also made me feel slightly uncomfortable because I was unsure of what to make of it! Now I know that all art is subjective and so therefore I didn't need to understand, we all know there are many famous artists who have painted abstract work that some people adore and would be willing to pay thousands for, and then there are people who couldn't bare to look at abstract paintings as they don't want to use interpretation and would much rather look at something more naturalistic with a clear picture. From this I started to think how this is going to effect my practice, looking more into who I am I realise that I am a pragmatist, I like to know the reason behind things and see the clear path from start to finish. This made me think, well how will I interact and work with people who aren't of the same mind set as me? How will I teach a child dance who is more of a free spirit and whats to express themselves in a way that I don't maybe understand or connect with?.. Well I think over time this is something you learn to be more open minded about. Knowing my Dad is very open minded and loves abstract art and theatre I showed him the video from Adesola's blog to gain his perspective, and low and behold he was able to put into words why I was feeling uncomfortable for watching it and that although there was not a purpose for the movements for me personally within the video, it was more about the person within the video and their perspective about how they communicate within life. He also suggested that I try not to make sense of everything in the video and it's ok not to understand, but to just purely observe and appreciate that this video made me FEEL something. Isn't that what art is all about, making us FEEL? So overall I have learnt many things just from one video about myself within my practice, I can now begin to adapt my approach to judging someones perspective and not give up on something within my practice just because I don't 'understand' it first time.
So my message is keep going and adapting, not understanding is no weakness, it is a chance to explore, gain knowledge and insight.


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