
Showing posts from October, 2020

Stage Fright

"Stage  fright  is a feeling of  fear  or nervousness that some people have just before they appear in front of an audience." Recent thoughts and feelings surrounding being a performer and anxiety disorder...... I have had some thoughts over the last few days about what is our normal level of anxiety as a performer. We know that as a dancer, singer or actor we will come under pressure, this is in some ways expected and through training are prepared for. STAGE FRIGHT many of us have experienced this, but what is the normal level of anxiety and should we be exposed to this feeling on such a regular basis?  As I look into starting my inquiry interviews I am now seeing that the answers to these questions will aid my learning further in this topic.  Through my training I have seen people be frozen by the amount of anxiety they are feeling, this in turn effects their ability to continue performing, is there a way tha

Motivation at the Final Stages

Here we are in module 3, where did all that time go! Well it’s been a strange but rewarding journey thus far and after my supervision with Adesola my brain that was once clouded with an overwhelming sense of worry about module three suddenly seems much clearer. Although I now need to steer my module three in a slightly new direction, I now know my first few steps to getting started. It’s easy to feel a lack of motivation when your daily tasks build up, your circumstances change during the pandemic and the handbook is staring you in the face. I wonder if this is a natural response that many of you have felt? So let’s move forward together, as my inquiry topic surrounds mental health in performing arts I aim in this module to stay better connected with other students. Maybe someone else is feeling how I felt? Or someone has similar questions to my inquiry topic that we could discuss. My point is that although we may all be feeling slightly overwhelmed especially with our normal choice of