Hot Topic, Covid-19. Self Employed Performers Guide to Looking After Your Mental Health During Isolation.

To all my fellow performers out there! I can feel the struggle not only to get this degree done but to re plan, re assess and re evaluate the situation you are in. For many of us, we are self employed and Covid-19 has thrown a curve ball our way!
My inquiry for this module is to question, "Does the performing arts industry contribute to performers having mental health disorders, specifically body dysmorphia and anxiety ?"
Not only for performers but for the entire world, there is an increase in anxiety due to the way this virus is causing us to change our lifestyle. For many freelance artists the next wage slip and performance work seems an infinite distance away. For me personally I have had to fly back from a dance job in Greece, this was hard on every performers mental well-being that day.
Now back at home, I value how lucky I am as a performer to have a supportive family who can house me and help me financially, not every performer has that luxury. So I have been scratching my head the last two days in isolation and asking what can I do to help myself and others?
What I found is that by working together, bouncing ideas and sharing information we can come up with the best solutions. If anyone is feeling vulnerable or uncertain I am going to link a few websites that may help you below.
Here is a few things that I have been doing to keep my mental health strong!
Create your own work space. 

Create Your Own Work Space
I have created a positive space that not only I will be able to work in but family members who are not to work from home can also use. This allows everyone in the home to know that this is the work space, it stops distraction and allows for productivity. 
Positive quotes have been added to the chalk board to help with motivation on the tougher days. Please don't forget that tea and coffee breaks are essential. 

Find Space to Exercise, Dance,Sing, Record Footage, Play an Instrument and Relax on Your Own. 
Personally the prospect of spending weeks and weeks with family is nice but also daunting. If any other performers are experiencing anxiety facing the fact you will be surrounding yourself with other people under the same roof I have found this has relieved my stress. 
By clearing a space in one of the rooms in my home I can now use this area to be creative. Dance steps can be learnt, flexibility can be improved. Try to switch this free time into a positive. By changing your mindset you can see this room and all this new space in your calendar as a chance. A chance to learn something new, improve your craft even further. Set goals and see if you can accomplish 3 things by the end of next week. 
We can do it! Stay positive, stay supportive and stay creative. 

    Feel Lonely and Anxious, Skype a Friend or Family Member
I decided to Skype my Grandma as I was feeling sad about my job being cancelled. She is also in isolation and together we had lifted each others moods. This was 100% the most effective way to keep my mental health happy. I was feeling way more positive after the Skype, she also reminded me that there will be other jobs and to keep a clear perspective. Talking things through has always been proven to help peoples mental health I am fortunate to have open family members who will discuss things through with me. 

First of all social media is a beauty during this time of self distancing- 
Mental health support pages and my ideas to help ease some anxiety:
  • Online dance and yoga classes, and type of exercise can improve a persons mood due to the natural release of endorphins. Many companies are posting live classes for free that you can do in your living room. If you can not find a free class, YouTube has millions of pre-recorded classes you should consider taking. This is also great if you are worrying about loosing any fitness during this time.
  • Walking/Jogging- I went for a walk to my local forest yesterday. To listen to the river running, see the new trees growing was a nice break from thinking about the only topic on everyone's mind.
  • Volunteer, by volunteering people instantly feel better, when you help others you feel more humble. It will also give you a sense of purpose when work is unavailable. 
  • Create a work space and plan your day. Luckily we have this degree to keep us busy. So clear a table and sort out a timetable. Structure is essential especially for creatives who often find motivation hard when stuck in one place. 
Help Lines and Pages to support Performers-

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  1. Such a strange time for us all! I’m similarly concerned for my mental health as so often money worries are my biggest triggers. But at this point it’s a time to focus on ourselves and keep ourselves as upbeat as possible!

  2. hi molly! great post so informative, I've also done a post about this if you'd like to check it out!
    Anushka x

  3. What a wonderful positive and informative post thank you Molly!

  4. Hi Molly, this post is great. I could not have put into better into words myself - exercise, structure and a place of zen in the home. All essential! Being out in nature is a good tool to sooth the soul, instigate calming thoughts and feel in the present. Those online classes have been a saviour for me! WE CAN DO THIS

  5. Hi Molly, I love this post! Such an uplifting read, thank you. I have found that having this degree to work on has given me some focus though this period of uncertainty. Also, online classes are great. I have loved how we have managed to do Zumba and yoga together though zoom communication. Look forward to seeing though again soon (through a web cam).
    Scarlett x

  6. Hi,
    This is really useful and lovely to read. Keeping up beat can be so hard in times like this but it's so important we try! I've done a similar post about things that are helping me if anyone wants to have a look:
    They may help others too!
    Thank you for this post :)
    Alys x


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